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Licence to embellish

We’re all about a good story. Our origin involves some sticks floated down the Humber River, a flight from the Arctic Circle, and a heck of a lot of fermentation. The end result? A new microbrewery canning and kegging our interpretation of the best craft styles from around the world, right in the heart of Western Newfoundland. Come visit our taproom in Corner Brook and we’ll trade tales over a pint… or two ...or a few.


Things to Come

As we get ready for our first brew, we wanted to share a look at our lineup of flagship beers.

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Penstock No.2

Pale Ale

Let the floodgates open with our most sessionable, approachable offering. A heap of Cascade hops, soothing floral aroma and hint of spicy goodness make this pale ale your made-it-down-the-mountain beer. The perfect power down after a day enjoying the best of Corner Brook.

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half marathon


We owe Grampie for this one, and that time he walked eight hours just for a job interview. Ask him for the whole story, but we’ll fill in a few blanks with hints of banana, clove, orange peel and coriander in this pleasing wheat ale that ends on a happy note.

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veto power


We went back to the drawing board more than once to get this crowd-pleasing pilsner just right. From crisp first sip, through its dry and slightly bitter finish, there’s a lot to love about this lightly malted lager. And with a spicy, earthy, herbal Saaz aftertaste, how can you say no to another one?

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bitter bird


This English-style ale isn’t even that bitter, but someone called it that once and the name stuck and really, it’s just a sensitive soul in an extrovert’s world. Uh, we swear we’re still talking about the beer here, with its specialty English malts taking centre stage for an exceptionally smooth, toasty, biscuit flavor that will leave you a bitter believer.

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wild bologna

India Pale Ale

This whopper of a beer free ranges through floral, citrus, pine and spice notes before heading to big hop country, where Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, Columbus, Cashmere and Crystal combine into one heck of a tasty beast. A bragworthy body of malt carries the flavours through with a final Comet kick, no camo required.

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lone flamingo

fruity sour

Years ago, a bird fell out of the sky, the likes of which locals had never seen. Our tribute to that touch of the tropics blends passionfruit with Bavarian acidulated malt for a sessionable sour with a pleasing tart finish, so unlike that poor, poor flamingo’s unfortunate fate.

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the webber

Black Lager

The Webber calls the dark crevices of the Humber River home, or so we’re told. We bring the legend to life in this nutty, roasty black lager, with smooth notes of both coffee and chocolate lightly laced with Cascade hops, like the Webber’s tentacled (or is it clawed?) caress. The preferred brew of bog monsters everywhere.

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meet Mike wayne

our brewmaster

Who knew beer could be a career?! Mike was unaware when, in the early 2000s, he went to work at a wee microbrewery called Samuel Adams. But after brewing adventures in Cincinnati, Sarnia, and Iqaluit, the mountains of Western Newfoundland called and he knew he had to come. Mike hopes to match the beauty of its land, water, and people with Boomstick beer.


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